Providing education about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and encouraging resilience so our Montcalm County community can thrive.

Mission: As a Community, We Develop an Awareness of Trauma and Empower Pathways for Resiliency

Vision: Build a Trauma Informed Community

Community Testimonials

Coming soon!
“The Trauma Champions has an important vision in bringing the multiple dynamics related to trauma to our awareness. Although this is not always an easy process, this group of heart-centered and insightful people continually go the extra mile in bringing trauma related issues to the attention of our communities, businesses, schools, churches, and other organizations. This is how we change things for the better. Too many of us have lived with secrets and pains that color our lives. Within the Trauma Champions work we can find road maps to building a culture that supports dignity, respect, kindness, opportunity, and success for all people.”
John Kroneck
Coming soon!